That's Why Atheism is Funny ~ Pusaka Madinah


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That's Why Atheism is Funny

"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]

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This post inspirated by a conversations (chats) in a social network with someone claimed himself as an atheist. He laughed at the religious people. He said took a pity to the people who believe in God. People who believing God needs "Imaginary Friend" called as God.

Incidentally, he said that his God is basketball (even though that country was not known as a basketball champion, Ahahahaha). Then, with a little serious, he said, that God is his soul. I then replied, "My soul was made by God, not (soul is) God himself." Then he was silent, heheheh.

History of Atheism
Most historical sources claim that atheism has been there since the days of Greece became a beacon of civilization. Of time, until the darkness and the presence rennaisance atheists have not yet contributed to the coming big men like Ludwig Feurbach, Nietzche, Proudhon, and Bakunin continue to participate Heraklitos  and Democritus 
ideas (Greek philosopher), and later there was Karl Marx. 

However, the most popularized seem to understand atheism for this era is Darwinism. Darwin's theory of evolution is now proved only a mere figment, perhaps only crossbreeding theory of white flowers and red flowers pink flowers are really scientific from him. (see:

Darwin's theory of evolution which states that the early life of inanimate objects (oxygen + hydrogen + a bit of lightning -> protein and that human ancestors were one-celled creatures) in later gave birth to the silly philosophical ideas such as materialism to Satanism.
Materialism, in principle, believing that behind the phenomena of nature there is no supernatural powers. Nature walk properly, due to the material elements of the universe which is undivided and eternal.

Satanism is more funny, they are calling themselves Satanists, but also do not believe the existence of satans, bwaahahahah!.

Most of them think that if they die, it's gone, just disappeared. As animals died, wilting flowers, or wood to be burned to ashes. Back into natural elements. Hmm model of lillahi wa inna inna ilayhi raji'un? xD.

Al-Jatshiyah: 24
وقالوا ما هي إلا حياتنا الدنيا نموت ونحيا وما يهلكنا إلا الدهر وما لهم بذلك من علم إن هم إلا يظنون

And they said: "This life is nothing but life in this world alone, we die and we live and no one will destroy us but time", and they will not have any knowledge of it, they are nothing but just guessing .


Back in my atheist friends said, he then rambled, "If God exists, why peoples in Somalia so miserable? (He's not from Somalia)

At that time, the conversation stopped and turned to other topics. Actually I want to tell him the things of these,

-When you say things about Somalia, it shows you are not unbelieve that God is exists, but it looks like you've dissapointed by God. That you think, God 
should be "fair" and "good".

-God is acting in accordance with His desire, not by our wishes, which always keep the creature desires. God is free from the principles of good and bad. Because God is the Creator of good and bad. God's justice must be very different from human justice at the trial court, hehehe.

- Bad things that happened in Somalia, could be a penalty (because of their tyrannical acts against themselves) or can be a test for them (to develop into a better society), such as charcoal in the bottom of the earth which is pressed from various directions so that he became a grain of diamond, the hardest thing and the most valuable on earth.

- If you die, then your life; your intellectualiy; your uniqueness, just dissapear, like dust in the wind, hmm ... I do not think so. Your soul; your intellectualiy; your uniqueness, is too cool to disappear just like that. If so, really proved that humanism is nonsense yea, hehehehe xD

Atheist people ussualy thought that they are smarter then us. Otherwise, God Himself called them as dumber than prehistoric peoples who worshipped stars, huhuhu xD. This is make sense cos prehistoric peoples are low in intellegentia, but their heart and soul is clever enough to admit that there is great power upon them who manage this universe. Prehistoric peoples not blind in heart and soul.

Al-Baqarah (2): 62

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَالَّذِينَ هَادُواْ وَالنَّصَارَى وَالصَّابِئِينَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحاً فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلاَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ إن الذين آمنوا والذين هادوا والنصارى والصابئين من آمن بالله واليوم الآخر وعمل صالحا فلهم أجرهم عند ربهم ولا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون

Those who believe, those Jews, the Christians and the people Shabiin, anyone among those who truly believe in Allah, the day and work righteousness, they will receive a reward from their Lord, do not concern to them, and not (too) they grieve.

*shabiin are stars worshiper

Allahu'alam. (Allah Knows Best)
That's Why Atheism is Funny
Adam Troy Effendy
By Pusaka Madinah
Published: 2011-07-12T00:53:00+07:00
That's Why Atheism is Funny
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"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]
admin Pusaka Madinah

Pusaka Madinah adalah sebutan untuk ilmu, amal, dan muanayah tauhid hakiki yang menjelaskan sinergi syariat, tarikat, hakikat, dan makrifat dari kalangan khawwasul khawwas yang disampaikan oleh Mursyid, K.H. Undang bin K.H. Sirad bin K.H. Yahya dengan sanad aly sebagai berikut: (1) Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah Saw., (2) Nabi Khidir a.s., (3) Abdul Aziz ad-Dabarq, (4) Abdul Wahab at-Tazi, (5) Ahmad bin Idris, (6) Muhammad Sanusi, (7) Muhammad Mahdi, dan (8) Muhammad Idris.

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