Obtainable Levels of Knowledge by Sareena Sirajudin ~ Pusaka Madinah


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Obtainable Levels of Knowledge by Sareena Sirajudin

"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]

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Salaam again, Dear Friends. This article was posted by Sareena Sirajudin from Kerala, India. She is my old bestfriend on muxlim.com. A very tender, sweet, and lovely Behna (sister in Urdu/Hindi).
 If You know her as i do, You will agree with my thought about her. Shukriya, Dear Behna.. May Allah rewards You for this great post. Ameen. ^_^

Asalamu alaikum wr wb ..
~*~Obtainable Levels of Knowledge~*~

The alone who transcends his lower cocky will see the ablaze that is 
within him/her. He/she will see the body who knows that it is timeless 
and boundless. He/she will bathe the oceans of ability and fully 
submit to the “Reality” who is Allah (S).

*The Glorious Quran enlightens us in Surah 29 Al-Ankabut , Verse 69:
“And those that strive in Our (cause), - We will absolutely adviser them to Our Paths.”
Allah (S) is Inwardly Hidden and Outwardly Manifest. Your alien cocky have to be counterbalanced with your close self.

*Allah (S) says in the in Surah Al Baqarah , Verse 152:
“Therefore, bethink Me always, and I will bethink you; and be beholden to Me, and be you not ungrateful."

This position of awareness, compassionate and authoritativeness is through the adulation of Allah (S). The accuracy of authoritativeness (haq-ul-yakin) is the acquaintance and adulation (muhabbah) by absolute acquiescence for the adulation of Allah (S) the “Reality” who is abaft the Cosmos. By Him, from Him, unto Him.

When we acknowledgment to Him, He allotment to us. 
And this advantage of authoritativeness (haq-ul-yakin) is capital for a all-overs and indisposition which anon reveals a address agenda of the cocky for a claimed assessment.

The stations of the accuracy of authoritativeness (haq-ul-yakin) are as follows:
*Astagfaar --Asking absolution from Allah

* Sabr --Patience and to persevere

*Sukr- -Praising and thanking Allah

*Dua --Supplicating to Allah

* Sadaqaa --Charity for the beggared to amuse Allah

*Tawakkul --A alert acquaintance of Allah

*Salah --Prayer for Allah

*Zikr-ullah --The afterthought of Allah

*Ar Rida --To be blessed and satisfied

*Muhabba --To adulation Allah actually and with awe.

Each of the aloft characteristics anon establishes our accompaniment and position with Allah and helps us to advance and accept ourselves further. Each appropriate is accepted in the address that absolutely acknowledges the conduct appropriate that will accurate a absolute acquiescence and the amore of our Creator.

Obtainable Levels of Knowledge by Sareena Sirajudin
Adam Troy Effendy
By Pusaka Madinah
Published: 2011-01-07T00:18:00+07:00
Obtainable Levels of Knowledge by Sareena Sirajudin
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"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]
admin Pusaka Madinah

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Barangsiapa menghendaki kebaikan bagi dirinya, niscaya dia mengambil jalan kepada Tuhannya. (Q.S. Al-Insan:29)

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